
Archive for April, 2014

Just the other day we received an email notice that someone we had not known was now following our blog and I started thinking that, whoever that new follower is, they must be thinking that they were not receiving emails of our posts.  It is true, Mary and I have not published many posts lately.  We will try to explain what has kept us so busy the last few weeks.

We are getting ready to travel back to the United States for a five week cross-country visit that will see us visiting family and friends in Pennsylvania, Ohio, California and Hawaii.  Family from Colorado and Utah will be meeting up with us in California and we will be seeing about a dozen new (born in the last two and a half years) grandchildren.  In addition to seeing over a dozen other grandchildren we are hoping will remember the grand parents that live in Ecuador.

Getting ready for this trip has been almost as hard as it was for us to get ready to move down here to Ecuador in 2011.  We will share some of our plans for the trip in one moment,

But first the, “Slice of Life” promised in the title of this post:


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