
Archive for April, 2019

When Mary and I first moved to Ecuador in 2011, four to five times a week we would call out to each other pointing to some strange insect or bird asking, “What is that?”  I kept the camera handy and often scrambled to get photos of some new bug!  After eight years you would think that perhaps we have seen it all.

But No!  This morning Mary called me out onto the porch and pointed to a cluster of bees swarming around something on the ground about six feet from the porch.  The large bees looked a little like a type of carpenter bee that frequents this area of Ecuador.  These bees burrow into wood and logs to make their nests.  We had no idea what they were doing on our lawn, but it was clear they were not burrowing into wood.

I went out the front door and slowly approached the cluster to get some pictures.  This first shot was taken about fifteen feet away from the bees as I walked up – camera at the ready.


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